I love to code </>


Karan Singh

Fullstack JavaScript Developer

Hello, and welcome to my Portfolio. I am a 23 year old aspiring Software Developer, specializing in creating fast, intuitive, and reliable web applications utilizing whichever technology makes the most sense for the job from PHP to JavaScript to Python. After graduating from Le Cordon Bleu and spending five years as a Chef, I have refocused myself to follow my passion of Software Development. I am fascinated by the Tech industry, and the fact that you have to be a lifelong student learning new technologies is very rewarding. It is much like cooking, where new seasons bring in new challenges and produce to cook with.  I have been teaching myself development for the past year and realize I have much to learn and look forward to ahead. My goals are to start my own Startup someday, and add significant value to the world.


The projects I have built so far have been mostly for fun, or to learn new technologies. I love coding in JavaScript and therefore most of the projects are indeed JavaScript based. Being able to code in one language, for the front and the back-end is very exciting. Also the open and huge community around this language is very inspiring. Having said that, I look forward to exploring and building projects in other languages soon.


A CRUD API made according to the RESTFUL convention with JWT Token's for Authentication.
Node.js | Express | MongoDB | Heroku


A Playful project, RGB color guessing game is a good way to test your knowledge about colors.
HTML 5 | CSS 3 | Vanilla.js


Unfortunetly this has to be cloned from the repo to see it in action. HTTP and HTTPS issues.
React | Redux | Axios | Mocha | Webpack

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